Authentication and authorisation tips for Laravel applications

Over the past five years, I’ve worked primarily with Laravel applications and in that time have seen patterns both that lead to unmanageable applications as well as those that lead to easy-to-manage applications.

In this post, I boil down some pitfalls to try and avoid in your applications, as well as patterns I follow that I‘ve found from experience to keep your application easy to navigate and maintain.

Have a single User model

When your application has more than one “type” of user, it’s tempting to create another model to represent the second type, i.e. an Admin model. Don’t.

Creating a second user model immediately increases the amount of files needed to authenticate a user; on top of the second model you now need to maintain a second authentication guard, controllers, and views.

Additional user models also adds additional complexities. If you have two guards (one for your “regular” user and one for your “admin” user), what happens when you want to have a route that allows access to both users? Or if you have more than two user models, a subset (i.e. two out of three user types)? There’s a more appropriate solution instead.


Authorisation is one of the most overlooked features of Laravel. The difference between authentication and authorisation is, succinctly:

  • Authentication is checking who a user is.
  • Authorisation is checking what a user can do.

If you have a single user model, then you should use authorisation to check what routes your users can access.

There are various places you can authorise a user: via middleware, in form request classes, using a dedicated policy class, using custom gates, and so on.

Custom middleware classes

You can also create custom middleware classes to restrict access to specific user types, too. If you have an administration panel in your application then you obviously want to restrict that to admin users also. Designating a user as an admin can be as simple as adding a is_admin column to your users table. An admin middleware could then check for admin users like this:

class VerifyUserIsAdministrator
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        if ($request->user()->is_admin == true) {
            return $next($request);

        // We know who the user is, but they are not an administrator.

Form request classes

Form request classes are custom request classes can be used to validate incoming request data, but can also perform authorisation. When you create a new form request class using Artisan (php artisan make:request) it contains an authorize() method. Here you can return a boolean as to whether the current user should be allowed to execute the request.

This is a good spot to check attributes, on either the User model or any models bound to the request using route–model binding. So if your application allows a comment to be updated, but only within 10 minutes of it being posted and only by the original author, then you could perform those checks in your form request class:

class UpdateCommentRequest extends FormRequest
    public function authorize()
        // Check author relation on comment model is the current user
        // Check comment was created less than 10 minutes ago
        return $this->comment->author->is($this->user()) &&
class CommentController extends Controller
    public function update(UpdateCommentRequest $request, Comment $comment)
        // Form request authorisation and validation passed


I personally prefer creating resourceful controllers in my Laravel applications. My development process usually goes:

  1. Create a model.
  2. Create a resource controller for that model.
  3. Define routes, and use route–model binding.
  4. Create a policy for the same model.

Using the above conventions makes for an easily-navigatable project: given a model, I (or someone else) knows where to look for the controller for that model and any authorisation logic for that model’s controller.

Another advantage of using resourceful controllers is that you can apply all methods of a policy class in one fell swoop like this:

class ArticleController extends Controller
    public function __construct()

    public function update(UpdateArticleRequest $request, Article $article)

        // Redirect back to newly-updated article

The combination of having an Article policy class, using route–model binding, and form request classes for validation makes for slim controller actions that are seldom longer than one line. Actions contain no validation logic, no authorisation logic—they just do what they’re intended.


I’ve been working with Laravel projects for just over five years now. I’ve worked on both new and already-existing codebases. Following the above conventions has resulted in the more maintainable and easy-to-navigation projects.

Of course every application differs in size, but even applications with more complex business logic can have their operations boiled down to manipulating resources in a RESTful manner.

Things like fulfilling an order, developers may be tempted to create a fulfill() method on an OrderController class, but would “fulfilling an order resource not result in creating a new fulfillment resource? When you think of operations like that, you can then start creating nested resource controllers, even if those controllers don’t actually create new Eloquent models:

class OrderFulfillmentController extends Controller
    public function store(CreateFulfillmentRequest $request, Order $order)

        // Redirect back to order

Sticking with a resource controller means you can still take advantage of form request classes and policies for authorisation (i.e. checking which users can fulfill orders).

Hopefully you’ve picked up some tips for this post, and lead to more manageable Laravel applications.